My field of expertise includes FEATURES, videoclips, shorts, commercials, movie trailers, corporative promos and MAINLY documentaries.


I am a film lover who is interested in all aspects of filmmaking.

I have a BA and MA in Film Criticism and Communication, with a deep knowledge of film history.

During the University, I started to work in the industry as a fist AD. Then in 2008, after 5 years of working on a set, I fell in love with editing when I discovered that the essence of cinema is editing.

Not only editing is unique to film, but a film can be “re-written” again through this amazing process that involves a few people with big responsibilities. A process where movies are made or broken.

Since then, I’ve worked on all kinds of formats, from video clips to feature films, from shorts to documentaries. This has allowed me to have a global vision of cinematographic language, learning to manage times, rhythms, movements, sounds, colors and emotions. 


I have approached many genres, also thanks to the experience gained working in the field of trailers and advertising, with great directors such as Gabriele Muccino, Paolo Genovese and others. 

This direct relationship has given me the opportunity to observe and learn from them, over the years, what it means to build a cinematographic grammar in the cutting room.

The whole eloquence of cinema is achieved in the editing room, Orson Welles said.

Finding the right narrative key and solving problems are my most outstanding skills, together with the method, a process that I have developed working with documentaries and which has proved extremely effective even in fictional feature films. 

Telling stories has always been my passion, this is why I am an editor.

I'm not a person who believes in the great difference between women and men as editors. But I do think that quality is key. We're very good at organizing and discipline and patience, and patience is 50 per cent of editing. You have to keep banging away at something until you get it to work. I think women are maybe better at that.

Thelma Schoonmaker